The Board is responsible for the overall corporate governance of the Company, and recognises the need for high standards of ethical behaviour and accountability.

The directors and management of Zip Co Limited (Zip or the Company) are committed to conducting the business of the Company and its controlled entities (the Group) in an ethical manner and in accordance with high standards of corporate governance that are appropriate for the Company’s nature and scope of operations.
In order for the Group to meet its stakeholder obligations and responsibilities, the Board has approved a corporate governance framework of rules, relationships, systems and processes for the business. On this page you will find the Company’s principal corporate governance policies and other documents.
The Company’s Corporate Governance Statement provided on this page contains a summary of the Company’s Corporate Governance framework and overview of its practices. For the last reporting period, Zip’s corporate governance arrangements were consistent with the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations (4th ed).
The Zip Board and its Committees periodically review the Company’s corporate governance arrangements and practices to consider their appropriateness, including alignment with current governance requirements and practices, as well as emerging governance trends and evolving stakeholder expectations.The Zip Board believes that good corporate governance supports sustainable performance by Zip over time.