Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions
March 2025
Access Method means: a) a method made available by Us for You, and authorised and accepted by Us, to act on an instruction or request to debit or credit Your Zip Account; and b) comprises the use of one or more components (including but not limited to) password, PIN, e-signature, token, barcode or SMS code.
Apple means Apple Pty Limited ABN 46 002 510 054 and/or its related bodies corporate and affiliates.
Apple Pay and Apple Wallet means the mobile payment and digital wallet service created by Apple that lets users transact using certain Devices.
Available Credit means the credit in Your Zip Account which is available for Transactions, less any purchases, authorisations, fees, interest and charges or other amounts debited under the Contract (including other amounts authorised but not yet posted to Your Zip Account).
Biometric Identifier means a fingerprint, faceprint or any other similar biometric identifier.
Card Credentials means the card number, expiry date, card verification value (CVV) and PIN of the Zip Visa Card.
Cash Advance Transactions means certain transactions that are considered to be the equivalent of withdrawing cash from Your account. This includes, but is not limited to, purchasing traveller’s cheques, wire transfers, gold and bullion dealers, gaming or gambling transactions and other purchases which can easily be converted to cash (such as crypto-currency).
Contract means the Contract between You and Zip comprising the Zip Account Terms and Conditions (and any applicable schedule) and these Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions (and any other contract entered into between You and Zip).
Device means a computer, smartphone, tablet or wearable device that Zip determines is eligible for the provisioning of a Zip Visa Card to be used through Apple Pay or Google Pay.
Device Passcode means anything used to unlock and access a Device including, but not limited to, a password, numerical code, pattern or Biometric Identifier.
Google means Google LLC and/or its related bodies corporate and affiliates (including Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd ABN 54 341 015 381).
Google Pay and Google Wallet means the mobile payment and digital wallet service created by Google that lets users make payments using certain Devices.
Merchant means in-store and online retailers and suppliers of goods or services who accept Visa card payments.
PIN means personal identification number, being a set of numbers that You use with the Zip Visa Card to make a Transaction.
Statement means a statement of account issued by Us in respect of Your Zip Account.
Transaction means any transaction authorised by You and accepted and authorised by Us under the Contract.
Unauthorised Transaction means a transaction not authorised by You but does not include any transaction carried out by You or by anyone performing the transaction with Your knowledge or consent.
Visa or Visa Scheme means Visa Worldwide Pte. Limited and related corporate entities worldwide.
Visa Rules means all documents, rules and other applicable requirements for participation in the Visa Scheme.
We, Us, Our and Zip means ZipMoney Payments Pty Ltd ABN 58 164 440 993, Australian Credit Licence 441878.
You or Your means a person who has been approved by Zip to open a Zip Account and has been issued with the Zip Visa Card. Any other grammatical form of the word “You” has a corresponding meaning.
Zip Account means the Zip Pay account or the Zip Plus account that You hold (as applicable) under the relevant Zip Account Terms and Conditions.
Zip Account Terms and Conditions means the account terms and conditions and any other contract documents applicable to Your Zip Account.
Zip App means the mobile application We make available to use Your Zip Account.
Zip Visa Card means a Visa card issued to You by Us and linked to Your Zip Account.
Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions means this document.
Zip Web Wallet means a secure online service where Zip customers may log in to access their Zip Account to obtain current or historical Account information, Transaction information, or provide Zip with new personal information, or change banking and repayment details.
Zip Website means or any other website operated by Zip.
Capitalised terms in these Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions that are undefined take their meaning from the Zip Account Terms and Conditions.
2. Overview
2.1 Issuer
Zip is the issuer of the Zip Visa Card. Zip can be contacted by email ( or phone (+61 (0)2 8294 2345).
2.2 Applicability of Terms and Conditions
These Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions govern the use, operation and availability of the Zip Visa Card. The use of Your Zip Account continues to be subject to the Zip Account Terms and Conditions in addition to the Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions.
2.3 Electronic Acceptance
In accepting the Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions You:
acknowledge that You have read and agree to be bound by the Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions;
acknowledge that the Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions are incorporated in, and form part of, the Zip Account Terms and Conditions (which were provided to You at the point of acceptance of the Zip Account);
request that Zip issues You with a Zip Visa Card; and
You consent to receiving correspondence relating to the Zip Visa Card, these Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions, notices and other documents electronically.
3. Use of the Zip Visa Card
3.1 General use
The Zip Visa Card:
allows You to purchase goods and services from Merchants that accept Visa cards;
is an additional Access Method to Your Zip Account, enabling You to make Transactions using Your Available Credit. You may also continue to make Transactions using any other Access Method in accordance with the Zip Account Terms and Conditions;
is not an account, does not hold deposits and does not store value.
Zip may restrict or stop Your use of the Zip Visa Card as specified in Section 3.3, Section 3.4 and Section 8.
3.1.1 Transactions
The value of a Transaction made using the Zip Visa Card will be debited from the Available Credit in Your Zip Account. You will be liable for Transactions made using Your Zip Visa Card, except as specified in Section 5.
The Zip Visa Card should only be used for Transactions that do not exceed the Available Credit. If there is insufficient Available Credit on Your Zip Account, any attempted Transaction using the Zip Visa Card may be declined.
You will be liable for all Transactions (even if they exceed the Available Credit). If You permit someone else to use Your Zip Visa Card or You save the Card Credentials on a Device that can be accessed by others, You will be responsible for any Transactions initiated by those persons with the Zip Visa Card.
Zip is not responsible for any goods or services provided to You by a Merchant as a result of a Transaction made with Your Zip Visa Card. Any disputes, issues or complaints must be resolved directly with the Merchant. Only after attempting to resolve any disputes, issues or complaints with the Merchant, can You contact Zip. We will handle Your dispute in accordance with the Zip Account Terms and Conditions, and the Visa Rules as outlined in Section 6.
You acknowledge that You cannot “stop payment” on any Transaction retrospectively. Foreign Transactions
The Available Credit and payment currency of Zip Visa Card is in Australian dollars (AUD). Transactions made in a currency other than Australian dollars will be converted to Australian dollars by Visa using the applicable Visa rate on the date that the Transaction is processed by Visa.
A transaction fee (Fee) may be applied to ‘Foreign Transactions’ as defined in Section 7.1.
If You elect to use the Zip Visa Card to make Foreign Transactions, You:
acknowledge that a Fee may be payable as specified in Section 7.1;
authorise Us to debit Fee/s to Your Zip Account (where applicable);
acknowledge that Fee/s will appear on Your Zip Account statement;
assume the potential currency risk between the time of purchase and when Visa receives the Transaction. Changes in the exchange rates take effect immediately. You can view online conversion rate calculators set by Visa on Visa’s website; and
acknowledge that, in the event a Merchant allows You to convert a foreign currency into Australian dollars at the time of purchase, the exchange rate will be set by the Merchant or the financial institution processing the transaction, and you may still be charged a Fee.
3.1.2 Refunds
If We receive a refund for a Transaction made with Your Zip Visa Card, We will credit the refund amount received from the Merchant to Your Zip Account only, if You have an open Zip Account. Refunds are at the sole discretion of the Merchant.
If We receive a refund for a Foreign Transaction made with Your Zip Visa Card, the refund amount in AUD will be calculated by Visa or the Merchant using the exchange rate at the time of refund. This may be different to the exchange rate used when You made the Transaction, meaning the refund You receive in Australian dollars may differ to the amount of the original Transaction.
3.2 Digital Wallets
Apple Pay is provided by Apple and Google Pay is provided by Google. In order to use Your Zip Visa Card with Apple Pay or Google Pay, You will be required to accept terms from Apple or Google, respectively. These terms will govern Your use of Apple Pay or Google Pay, including in relation to the collection of any information from Your use of Apple Pay or Google Pay.
Zip's obligation to You in relation to Your use of Apple Pay or Google Pay is limited to securely providing the Zip Visa Card details and associated information to Apple or Google in order for the Zip Visa Card to be provisioned to the Apple Wallet or Google Wallet.
Zip is not responsible for, or liable in relation to, the availability or performance of Apple Pay or Google Pay, any Device or any failure by telecommunications or other network providers that affects Your use of the Zip Visa Card.
Zip is not liable for any loss arising from Your use of Apple Pay or Google Pay to the extent the loss was caused by Your fraud, or Your use of Apple Pay or Google Pay in a manner that breaches the relevant Apple or Google terms.
3.3 Limitations
The Zip Visa Card cannot be used:
for any illegal Transaction, or in relation to an illegal activity, under the law of the country in which such Transaction or activity takes place, and/or Australian laws;
for a Transaction that exceeds Your Available Credit;
to make a Cash Advance Transaction, wire transfer, withdraw cash, or to receive a balance transfer from another credit card;
as a repayment method on a Zip Account or a “Zip Money” or “Zip Personal Loan” Account;
for any betting, gambling or casino Transaction;
for any other Transactions reasonably determined by Zip, including those prohibited in accordance with the Zip Account Terms and Conditions.
We may impose, remove or adjust daily or other periodic Transaction limits for the Zip Visa Card, at Our discretion and without notice or disclosure to You.
Some Merchants may choose not to accept Visa cards or the Zip Visa Card, or may impose their own restrictions on, or limitations of, the use of the Zip Visa Card for Transactions made at the Merchant. Zip does not accept any liability if a Merchant refuses to accept the Zip Visa Card or for any restrictions or limitations imposed.
3.4 Expiry and Renewal
The Zip Visa Card is valid until the expiry date shown on it, unless it is cancelled before the expiry date, as specified in Section 8.
Your card may be automatically renewed on or before the expiry date, without notice, on or before the expiry date, unless it is cancelled before renewal, as specified in Section 8.
4. Security
4.1 General Obligations
To keep Your Zip Visa Card secure, You must:
not allow anyone else to use Your Zip Visa Card;
keep Your Card Credentials secure (do not write them down or keep an electronic copy of them);
not disclose the Card Credentials to anyone else;
not allow anyone else to see You entering the Card Credentials;
take reasonable steps to protect Your card from loss or theft; and
regularly examine Your Zip Account to identify and report, as soon as possible, any instances of unauthorised, or suspected unauthorised, use.
If You allow anyone else to use Your Zip Visa Card, You will be responsible for any Transactions made by that person with Your Zip Visa Card.
You must immediately notify Us if You become aware, or have reason to believe that the Zip Visa Card has been:
lost or stolen
utilised without Your authorisation
otherwise compromised, including the disclosure of Your Card Credentials
Zip may offer the ability to lock and unlock the Zip Visa Card in the Zip App. You must utilise this functionality, if available, if You become aware of unauthorised, or suspected unauthorised, use of the Zip Visa Card. You will still be responsible for meeting Your Minimum Repayment Amount obligations even if Your Zip Visa Card is locked.
4.2 Device Security
For any Device to which You provision, or on which You otherwise use, Your Zip Visa card, You must:
set a Device Passcode that is not easily guessed;
not share Your Device Passcode with anyone else;
lock Your Device when not in use;
remove from Your Device any Biometric Identifiers that do not belong to You;
take reasonable steps to protect Your Device from loss or theft.
If You know or suspect that Your Device is lost, stolen or is likely to be misused You must immediately notify Us. You may be required to confirm details of the loss, theft or misuse in writing and provide Us with any evidence as reasonably requested.
4.3 PIN
You must set a PIN for the Zip Visa Card. You can set or change the PIN for the Zip Visa Card in the Zip App.
You may be asked to enter the PIN when using Your Zip Visa Card.
To keep Your PIN secure, You must:
set a PIN that is not:
an easily guessed combination, such as repeated or sequential numbers;
easily associated with You, such as Your date of birth, phone number or address;
not write down or otherwise store Your PIN; and
not share Your PIN with anyone else;
If You become aware that Your PIN may have been disclosed to someone else or used without Your authority, You must immediately notify Us and change Your PIN in the Zip App.
5. Unauthorised Use
You are liable to Us in respect of an Unauthorised Transaction when:
You have failed to advise Us of any suspected or unauthorised use of Your Zip Visa Card; or
You have failed to follow, or have breached, the security requirements as set out in Section 4; or
You have provided information regarding Your Zip Visa Card to someone whether knowingly or not; or
You have committed fraud.
You are not liable to Us in respect of an Unauthorised Transaction when:
the Unauthorised Transaction occurred after You had advised Us of suspected unauthorised use of the Zip Visa Card; or
it is clear that You have not caused or contributed to the loss; or
it is determined by Us, acting reasonably, that You were not directly or indirectly responsible for the relevant Unauthorised Transaction; or
it was caused by the fraudulent or negligent conduct of employees or agents of:
any organisation involved in the provision of the electronic funds transfer system; or
a Merchant.
If You report an Unauthorised Transaction, We will not hold You liable for losses arising from the Unauthorised Transaction for an amount greater than Your liability. If We exercise any rights under the rules of the Visa Scheme, at the time of the report, against other parties to the Visa Scheme (for example, chargeback rights) and are successful, We will not hold You liable for the portion that We recover.
6. Disputed Transactions
A disputed transaction may include:
an Unauthorised Transaction;
a general dispute – a transaction which You wish to dispute, such as a Transaction that has been debited to Your Zip Account more than once.
You should immediately notify Us if You wish to dispute a Transaction. Despite notifying Us of a disputed transaction You remain liable for any Transaction made with Your Zip Visa Card and the value of the disputed Transaction will be debited to Your Available Credit, until the dispute is resolved and only refunded back if the dispute is resolved in Your favour.
The Visa Scheme has a dispute resolution process that is contained in its operating rules, commonly referred to as a 'chargeback right'. Our ability to recover and refund any disputed Transaction on Your Zip Visa Card, and subsequently process a chargeback is determined by Visa Scheme operating rules. Disputes under Visa Scheme operating rules can sometimes be resolved in the Merchant’s favour in which case You may remain liable for the disputed Transaction.
If You believe that You are entitled to a chargeback under the Visa Scheme rules, You must notify Us as soon as possible. The Visa Rules impose time limits for initiating chargebacks. The time limit is generally 120 days from the date of the disputed Transaction. If You request a chargeback, We may need You to provide additional information. If We do ask You for additional information and You do not provide it to Us within 10 days, You may lose any rights to the chargeback and if it has already been processed, We may reverse it.
7. Fees
We do not charge a fee for issuing You a Zip Visa Card. You continue to be liable for all fees described in the Zip Account Terms and Conditions.
7.1 Foreign Transaction Fee
A Fee (as defined in Section may apply where you use a Zip Visa Card with a Zip Pay account to make a Foreign Transaction. A Foreign Transaction is any Transaction made with a Merchant or processed by a financial institution located outside Australia, including Transactions:
made in a foreign currency, even if the Transaction is made in Australia; or
made in Australian dollars, even if the Transaction is made overseas.
The Fee does not apply to Foreign Transactions made with a Zip Plus account.
The Fee is 1% of the value of the Foreign Transaction when converted to Australian dollars and, if applied, will be debited to Your Zip Pay account.
7.2 Other fees
Merchants may charge a fee to use Your Zip Visa Card for a Transaction. Any Merchant fees are determined and charged by the Merchant. Zip does not retain such fees and is not liable for any such fees.
8. Cancellation
8.1 Cancellation Initiated By You
You can ask Us to cancel Your Zip Visa Card at any time by contacting Us.
8.2 Cancellation Initiated By Us
Zip may cancel Your Zip Visa Card at any time, and without notice if:
We reasonably believe that the use of the Zip Visa Card may cause loss to You or to Us;
We reasonably believe that cancellation of the Zip Visa Card is required for security purposes;
We have blocked access to, suspended, or closed Your Zip Account in accordance with the Zip Account Terms and Conditions, or We have a right to do so regardless of whether or not We have exercised that right;
We are directed to do so by Visa, Apple or Google;
You breach Section 3.3 of the Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions;
You are in default under the Zip Account Terms and Conditions;
We reasonably suspect that the Zip Visa Card or Your Zip Account has been used illegally or fraudulently;
We suspend or terminate Our arrangements with Visa, Apple and/or Google; and
where We have reasonable grounds to believe that there is a breach of the law of Australia or any other country or We are required to by a regulatory body.
We will give You notice of the cancellation as soon as reasonably practicable afterwards.
8.3 After Cancellation
Once Your Zip Visa Card is cancelled, You must cancel any recurring transactions or other standing authorities that You have established using the Zip Visa Card. Until You cancel this authority, a Merchant is entitled to request Zip to debit Your Zip Account and Zip is obliged to process this request. You remain responsible for any Transaction debited to Your Zip Account in accordance with a recurring transaction or other standing authority until You cancel this authority.
Your repayment obligations under the Zip Account Terms and Conditions continue to apply after cancellation of Your Zip Visa Card. Cancelling the Zip Visa Card does not close Your Zip Account.
9. Other
9.1 General
If any provision in the Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions is illegal or unenforceable, it will be severed from these terms and the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.
9.2 Liabilities and Disclaimers
Zip does not make or give any express or implied warranty or representation in connection with the Zip Visa Card (including quality or standard or fitness for any purpose), other than as set out in these Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions and the Zip Account Terms and Conditions or when the warranty or representation is imposed or required by law and cannot be excluded.
Any failure or delay in enforcing a term of these Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions or the Zip Account Terms and Conditions does not mean a waiver of them.
9.3 Changes
We may change the Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions at any time. They are correct and current as at the date stated.
We will provide at least 30 days’ notice of any variation to the Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions in relation to:
any changes to existing fees;
the introduction of any new fee or charge; or
any other change to the Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions.
We may provide shorter notice, including on the date of the change taking effect, of any variation to the Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions that:
does not impact (or otherwise reduces) Your obligations;
is necessary to immediately protect the security of the Zip Visa Card or Zip Account; or
is necessary to avoid or minimise a material increase in Our credit risk or to comply with legal or regulatory requirements.
Any notice of change will be communicated to You in the method(s) set out in Section 2.3(d).
If You are unhappy with the any changes to the Zip Visa Card Terms and Conditions, You can:
cancel Your Zip Visa Card; or
terminate Your Zip Account by paying the outstanding balance, plus any accrued fees and charges.
9.4 Trademarks
Apple and Apple Pay are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Google and Google Pay are trademarks of Google Inc.
Visa is a registered trademark of Visa International Service Association and used under licence.